About Me

I am a DPhil student in the Oxford Protein Informatics Group at the Department of Statistics at Oxford University and an Industrial Fellow of the Royal Commission 1851. I am interested in developing developing deep learning methods for computational drug development. Currently, the production of new drugs requires tedious wet lab experiments that are associated with high costs. Computational methods have the potential to greatly facilitate the drug discovery process. Specifically, my research focuses on antibodies, a class of proteins of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry, and I am working on improving methods for predicting antibody structures and flexibility from sequence data.


Department of Statistics Logo

DPhil Statistics

Machine Learning for Antibody Flexibility Prediction
Department of Statistics
University of Oxford
2021 - 2025

Department of Biochemistry Logo

MSc by Research Biochemistry

NMR Study of Transmembrane Receptors
Department of Biochemisty
University of Oxford
2020 - 2022

UCL Logo

BSc Biochemistry

Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology
University College London
2017 - 2020


Papers and Preprints

Conference and Workshop Papers

Master Thesis

Investigating the dynamics of KDEL receptor signalling. Jan 2022.
Supervisors: Prof Jason Schnell & Prof Simon Newstead.

Blog Posts

MDAnalysis: Work with dynamics trajectories of proteins

Making your figures more accessible

Some useful pandas functions

Current strategies to predict structures of multiple protein conformational states

An overview of clustering algorithms